After a Long 18 Months, Take Time to Rest and Recharge

To paraphrase a popular quote, life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you respond to it. At Stony Brook, we have reacted with incredible courage, strength, determination, commitment and teamwork to the coronavirus pandemic.

Now, at long last, there is light at the end of the tunnel. More than a year after COVID-19 disrupted our lives, we have the chance at returning to some semblance of normalcy.

Our lives, and the lives of those we know and love, are doubtless changed forever. Many of us lost loved ones, friends and family members, or know someone who did. Many of us witnessed firsthand the devastation, heartbreak and grief, caring for our patients in their final days and responding as best we could to the incredible surge of patients who came through our doors. Through it all, Stony Brook has played a major leadership role for our community and our region. Whether it was patient care, testing or vaccines, we stood strong and met our community’s needs. Now it is time to meet our own needs.

As summer comes on and we are finally able to take a deep breath (in some cases, without a mask!), it is time to prioritize a deeply deserved rest from the rigors of the past 18 months.

Be kind to yourselves. Take time for a deep breath, take time to rest and recharge, and take stock of all that is precious and valuable in this world. Take time to grieve your losses and celebrate your victories. Hug a friend, lift a glass, shed a tear, console your heart and soul.

We know that the battle has been wearying, and the breaking point has always been near. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all that you have done. You have forever earned my gratitude and the gratitude of those you have served so well.


Submitted by Connie Kraft (not verified) on Mon, 06/28/2021 - 09:51 AM


Thank you for your strong leadership through out this event. Here's hoping that you too can also take that deep breath. Your hard work and guidance kept us all going. grateful for all you've done for all of us!

Submitted by Jane V. Ehrich… (not verified) on Mon, 06/28/2021 - 09:57 AM


"Take time for a deep breath, take time to rest and recharge, and take stock of all that is precious and valuable in this world. Take time to grieve your losses and celebrate your victories." Beautifully said, & what we all need. Proud to work here.

Submitted by May Perlow (not verified) on Mon, 06/28/2021 - 11:34 AM


Thank you for the heartfelt message. Indeed it was rough. We are grateful it's coming to an end. I like to say a special thank you for the people who cared for the Home Nursing and Autism Residential communities. These communities were separated from their families and loves ones during the pandemic. The providers and caregivers continue to come to work to care for them.

Submitted by Denise Dengel - EMS (not verified) on Mon, 06/28/2021 - 07:56 PM


Thank you for those kind and caring words. You, yourself, in combination with every person serving in our hospital environment, also deserve a moment to themselves. Thank you, Carol, for caring for all of us through this incredibly difficult time.

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