Stony Brook Honored for Environmental Excellence
by Practice Green Health, 2023
The Greenhealth Emerald Award recognizes outstanding hospitals from within the Partner for Change applicants. This competitive award recognizes the top 20 percent of applicants and is focused on advanced sustainability programs and exemplary scores in a range of categories. |
Leadership |
Sustainable Procurement
The Circles of Excellence Awards celebrate hospitals who have not only earned an award for all-around sustainability achievement, but have also been identified as the top scoring programs for each sustainability category. The Circles of Excellence awards honor up to 10 of the highest performing hospitals nationwide in each area of sustainability expertise. |
Stony Brook Named Among the Top 25 Hospitals for
Environmental Sustainability 2022
Practice Greenhealth’s highest honor for hospitals. Selected from the pool of Partner for Change applicants, these hospitals are leading the industry in all-around sustainability performance, demonstrating comprehensive programs, and illustrating how sustainability is entrenched in their organizational culture. Each year, the competition for these top spots increases as hospitals across the country continue to innovate.

Stony Brook University Hospital Recognized for Leadership on Environmental Sustainability Greenhealth Award
Stony Brook University Hospital Receives National Award for Excellence and Innovation in Sustainability