Environmental sustainability means interacting responsibly with the natural world around us. Sustainable behavior balances the needs of society with the well-being of our precious natural resources. But sustainability works best when it’s a team effort. Would you like to help with Stony Brook Medicine’s sustainability goals? Have suggestions to share, or just want to learn more? Please let us know, by providing the following information:
[WEB TEAM - this would be fields the person would fill in - see below. The message at the end is what the person would receive via email, thanking them for their submission.
Position at Stony Brook:
Key Initiative this entry supports: [list all key initiatives and they can check off those that apply]
My bright idea: [open space person can type info into]
I would like to learn more and get involved. [ ] check box
Submission will go to person/people Jill identifies, and it feeds to database so committee can see everything that has come in.
Thank you for your interest in our Sustainability Initiative. Your submission has been sent to the team. Have a great day!