
In the fast paced society that we live in today, yoga is an efficient way to be mindful of the present, destress, and improve body mechanics and function. Through achieving and maintaining physical postures of varying complexity, in combination with breathing techniques and meditation, yoga brings the body, mind, and spirit into synchrony and harmony. 

The physical benefits of yoga, according to the American Osteopathic Association, include decrease in chronic pain including arthritis, headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, lowering of blood pressure, reduction in insomnia, increased flexibility, muscle strength, energy, cardiovascular health, and protection from injury. The mental benefits of yoga cannot be overstated, as taking time out of a busy schedule to be mindful has wondrous effects on the mind and body. By clearing the mind, yoga provides a safe space for reconnecting with yourself on a deeper level, and helps sharpen concentration all around. 

Yoga is a good way to improve your lifestyle as a whole. By taking care of your mind and body, you can navigate life and its challenges with grace and clarity, leading to a more fulfilling experience as well as better health. 

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