The Practice of Lifestyle Medicine- Local


  • Site of Stacey Funt MD
    Site of Stacey Funt MD, a lifestyle medicine educator, a national board certified health and wellness coach and a Co-Active trained life coach . Site has also great resources for lifestyle changes
  • Lifestyle Link with Lisa Zimmerman
    Lifestylelinkli is a health coaching practice that links all lifestyle medicine pillars. We provide support around plant-based eating, joyful movement, restorative sleep, positive social connections and stress reduction.
  • Alpine Health
    Alpine Heath is a lifestyle medicine practice that supports people in achieving wellness through healthful eating, exercise, coping with stress, sleeping better, social connectedness, and counseling on habits and patterns like alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. It is led by a doctor -psychologist team whose philosophy is to listen and help people create their own path to health, from wherever they are
  • Patty DeMartino, NBC-HWC
    PlantPath Wellness health coaching services
    A National Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach, I serve as your ally when implementing lifestyle changes that support vibrant health. Together we get clear on what you’re going for, why it matters, and where you are now. I help you develop skills in order to tap into your strengths and achieve your goals. Every win is celebrated, big or small. In particular, I  can assist you to reduce emotional & binge eating utilizing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy tools.

    A plant-based eater since 2013, I know firsthand the transformative power of including plenty of whole and minimally processed foods in your day. I have culinary skills and can help you with designing and cooking meals. Having led fitness classes for over a decade, I can assist with your physical activity goals.

    My weekly 55-minute coaching sessions are conveniently conducted via video conferencing.
  • Dr. Zarabi
    I am a Health & Wellness, Life, and Functional Imagery Coach and ally for sustainable behavioral changes.
    Your current state of health might be a culmination of your work situation, genes, environment, eating habits, or any past experiences.
    Wellness and health are learned processes that should be practical, fun, and scientifically sound. In my practice, I help people break free from the stress and worry that keeps them stuck in repetitive harmful patterns allowing them to be in control again and regain their healthful living.
  • Public Libraries
    We encourage everyone to visit local public libraries to discover the health and wellness events, classes, programs, resources and more that are available- most often at low to no cost at all! You can also do this by visiting the local public library's website, as many have monthly newsletters and/or calendars with upcoming programs, such as free or low cost exercise classes, lectures by health/healthcare experts, and access to borrow items such as high blood pressure self-monitoring kits, as well as other devices that can help support self care

Lifestyle Medicine Movement and Exercises

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