Tableskirts and podium signs are available for order with the Stony Brook Medicine or Stony Brook Children's Hospital logo. Call Five Boro Flag, Banner and Sign Company at (718) 740-4424. Price varies based on quantity ordered. To borrow one of these items, contact Marianne Bastian at (631) 444-9836.
Tableskirts: | Podium Signs: |
Presentation Folders
Stony Brook Presentation Folders are available for order through Fantastic Graphics. Please call (631) 753-4144.
Merchandising & Licensing
If you would like to order logo’d promotional items, apparel or awards, follow the policy titled Marketing Events and Premium Items Policy. The Stony Brook University’s Trademark Licensing Program must be followed, utilizing an approved vendor in the program.
The overall purpose of the Stony Brook University Trademark Licensing Program is to protect the integrity of the institution’s trademarks and to ensure such trademarks are used in an appropriate manner. Stony Brook’s Trademark Licensing Program is administered by Stony Brook’s Office of Communications and Marketing. Stony Brook is a member of the Fair Labor Association (FLA). All Stony Brook Trademark Licensing Program vendors are required to be FLA members and must adhere to the FLA Code of Conduct.
Powerpoint Templates
For use in creating your own Powerpoint presentations, we offer:
1) Stony Brook Medicine-branded Powerpoint templates (.potx format), for use in creating your presentations. The file includes a variety of editable layouts in templates suitable for Stony Brook Medicine and Stony Brook Children's.
Stony Brook University-branded Powerpoint templates can be found here. *After opening the file, click on the "Layout" button (Windows) or "Slide Layouts" tab (Mac) to view available options.