
Overall Photography

Our brand photography provides viewers the ability to have a visual, emotional and immersive connection with Stony Brook as it shows the people, places and actions that take Stony Brook Medicine beyond the expected.

Capturing moments in time that feel real – the people doing what they do in the places where they do it – is essential to demonstrating a passion for the positive change that unites everyone at Stony Brook.


  • The details of each shot lift the generic into special.
  • Every frame reveals a face, a unique location or object and is motivated by a relevant action. A great photograph combines several of these things.
  • Each photograph should aim to visualize the momentum of our brand. Action shots use motion blur and dynamic framing to pull us into the movement, portraits of people show them in motion or in thought and capturing the emotional connection they have with others in the photograph. When choosing an image, consider all of the elements to bring as much energy to the photo as possible.
  • In a still life, the trace of human impact is always visible.

And never forget:

  • Because our brand photography should feel real, avoid overly lit environments and artificial poses; our images should never feel stock.

Ultimately and critically, every shot is a powerful opportunity to showcase the spirit of our brand personality.



The faces of Stony Brook are an integral and featured element of our story. It’s the passion of our faculty, researchers, students, alumni and staff that transform our brand pillars into dynamic stories, showing real, tangible examples of who we are and the difference we make in the lives of others.

Eyes looking at the lens exhibit confidence. Alternatively, eyes focused out of frame at the subject’s intellectual “destination” inject the viewer into the subject’s narrative.

Location is an important part of every story and exhibiting a sense of place will also enhance an image. Overall, it’s essential to exhibit Stony Brook’s reach and impact through diverse locations, preferably at a key moment of the narrative.

When taking “candid” photographs, these same guidelines apply.


Consent Form

Download the form linked below and use it to obtain formal consent from the subjects of your photos, videos, recordings, etc. Keep the executed form on file.

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