The billing department will attempt to optimize our bill collection within Stony Brook University Medical Centers' guidelines. For the most part, the cases performed at the Ambulatory Surgery Center are elective, non-emergent surgeries that are generally booked well in advance. For this reason we will attempt to collect what is contractually owing to us. This means that we will enforce the rules that already exist in at Stony Brook University Medical Center. Medically necessary surgery will NEVER be denied.
Our billing department will verify patients' insurance. They will notify patients of copayments, unmet deductibles and uncovered procedures for which they will be responsible. We will collect these monies before or on the day of surgery.
Every patient must have made some arrangement for payment before we will do his or her surgery. Stony Brook University Medical Center has many programs for financial aid, assistance with getting on Medicaid, payment plans etc. Those who qualify could be approved for up to a 95% discount of their fees. The financial assistance people can be contacted at 631.444.4151.
The above policy does not mean that we will not be compassionate, charitable, or compromising. It does mean that the arrangements for payment or assistance, whatever they may be, will be made before the day of surgery. Please be aware that some patients will be asked to bring their payment on the day of surgery. Patients may pay by cash, check, Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express.
Please feel reassured that we will respect and assist your patients in any way possible. Obviously any patient whose medical condition would be harmed by delay in having the surgery will receive our services immediately without hesitation.
Please note that patients who are not covered for anesthesia services may similarly be contacted for some payment in advance.
As an agency of the State of New York we are not permitted to extend professional courtesy or waive deductibles.
Stony Brook Medicine POLICY NUMBER 6004E.
Non-emergent scheduled admissions for patients who refuse to comply with the financial arrangements of the Medical Center may be deferred admission with the approval of the attending physician. If the physician states the patient's illness requires admission, the patient must be admitted regardless of his financial ability to pay the Medical Center.