High blood pressure or hypertension is a very common problem. High blood pressure is often associated with stress. But stress, or lack thereof, is not the only reason it can be raised or lowered. Various parts of the circulatory system are responsible for keeping blood pressure at optimal levels. If one of them is malfunctioning, it can lead to a variety of life alternating events, including heart attack or stroke.
Blood flows due to a difference in pressure. A healthy heart pumps at an optimal pressure which allows it to transport crucial components including oxygen, white blood cells and nutrients throughout the body.
The other structures that affect how effectively blood gets around the body are the arteries. When they’re healthy, they maintain normal blood pressure. However, when they’re not healthy due to plaque buildup or stiffening, this will cause higher pressures.
Getting your blood pressure checked is an important and simple checkup that is recommended for everyone, regardless of whether you have a known heart condition. Getting your blood pressure checked regularly is something that can help catch an issue before it becomes a serious health concern.
Hypertension is often called the silent killer as it commonly not associated with any symptoms. This stresses the importance of getting your blood pressure checked routinely.
Basics of blood pressure readings:
Blood pressure can be taken at any doctor’s office and can also be monitored at home. A home blood pressure monitor can be bought in many stores. They come with a cuff and a device which give you two numbers.
The upper number is the systolic pressure which is the measure of the pressure when the heart pumps the blood. The lower number is the diastolic pressure which is the measure of blood in the arteries when the blood is not pumping blood, or in between beats.
Normal blood pressure is anything above 90/60 and less than 120/80. If it’s higher or lower, it’s an indicator that there may be a problem with your heart or arteries and should be followed by your doctor.
Getting an accurate reading:
To get an accurate reading, avoid doing the following things:
● Talking during your blood pressure being measured.
● Smoking or drinking before your blood pressure is measured.
● Exercising before getting the test done.
Do the following instead:
● Do it on an empty bladder.
● Take a few minutes to breathe deeply and relax before.
● If you can help it, make sure it’s taken in a room that is at a comfortable temperature.
● Place your arm at heart level.
Which measurement determines hypertension?
If your reading is over 140/90, you have hypertension.
If your reading is at 180/ 120 mm Hg or higher, seek medical help immediately.
Maintaining a healthy weight, diet, and visiting your doctor for regular checkups will help you to stay informed about the state of your health.
Do you have a heart condition? Get your heart checked by our experienced and caring physicians by booking an appointment today with North Suffolk Cardiology.