Dermatology Clinical Trials and Sponsored Studies:

Stony Brook Dermatology is committed to providing new cutting-edge treatments for our patients suffering from a variety of skin disorders. Clinical trials, conducted to determine the safety and efficacy of a treatment regimen, are critical to advancing safe and innovative therapies.  Dermatology Faculty, Residents and our Research Nurse are continually engaged in a variety of clinical studies. Clinical trials that involve potential new dermatology drugs are typically designed and funded by pharmaceutical companies. 
However, Stony Brook Dermatology Investigator-Initiated clinical studies, that typically focus on novel uses of one or a combination of known medications/treatments to improve patient outcomes, are not covered by insurance and usually require funding to provide necessary medications, supplies, and personnel. 
Your Philanthropic donations and sponsorships to Stony Brook Dermatology are vital to the success of testing innovative new ideas, to ensuring safe novel treatment options, and to improving the quality of life of our patients with skin diseases.

Last Updated

Stony Brook Dermatology Associates is offering Telehealth services through various platforms including audio-visual, telephone and the patient portal for both new and established patients. We can address most of your dermatology needs including, but not exclusive to, evaluations of rashes, eczema, psoriasis flares, acne and medications refills. For patients needing in-person evaluations, we have dermatologists on site daily.

Please contact us to either schedule a telehealth visit or for more information about these services at (631) 444-4200, option 1. The safety of our patients, our staff and our physicians is paramount.